Published on October 17, 2005 By ----- In Gaming
Well, for those of you who do not know what Dungeons and Dragons is, it is a paper and pen based role playing game that was created over 25-30 years ago. In it, a group of people (usually more fun if its 4 or more) gather at one of their members homes and role play( a DM (DM=Dungeon Master (i.e. boss person), devises campaigns,etc...) The sessions (set on a specific day(s) can last anywhere from 5 hours to an entire day .... (We pulled an all nighter once)

D&D is set in a fantasy genred world, with Dragons, wizards, undead, vampires,etc.... (There is a Sci-fi version called Alternity, but thats a different blog, different day) You roll dice and depending on the role, you are either successfull in what you intend to do, or not... (My luck is...well, yeah)

Now, common misconceptions is that we practice witch craft and sacrifice nerds, err, animals on altars... No, we do nothing of the sort. Its been confused with Dark magic, etc... D&D is merely a game.

I myself have been with this group for 6 years, have been rpging for longer. We have ages ranging from 37 to 17, so its not just a high schoolers game... We have jobs ranging from an Engineer, to a freelance computer specialist... so, it involves a wide range.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 17, 2005

Good call.

But our friend Tova is in a pickle. Her religion forbides her to view these movies or books so she can never find out that the religion is wrong about these books / movies.

This is why Blind faith has no place in religion yet why so many need it.
on Oct 17, 2005
This is the worst of any religion: Blind Faith The willingness for followers to blindly follow the words of a leader or book. It is the death of free thinking. Now that I think about it this is my problem with Religion is general; most religions do not encourage free thinking. Religions don't want free thinkers they want people that will come to their church or whatever, give some $$, listen, make more subscribers, lather and repeat.
I am just boggled that Tova is following the letter of her religion without even opting to chance it that maybe they have it wrong about any of the stuff we were talking about.

Thank you Tova!
I was actually debating religion in an other thread, I think with you even?, but you have helped me remember why I shun it. It's weird when two things come together.

And I thought the Flanders on the Simpsons were based on fictional characters
(That's a TV show just in case you were told not to watch tv after 6:30pm cause demons come through the set)
on Oct 17, 2005
she can never find out that the religion is wrong about these books / movies.

That is a very stupid comment. My "religion" as you call it was established by my Creator...who better than HE knows what is good and what is not for me and mine? And you obviously don't know anything beyond your OWN narrow view of God because all who have disobeyed him in the past and decided they knew "better" than He did, regretted it.. So excuse me for wanting to protect my children and not taking your word on matters of their spirit from you....I'll stick with the authority thank you very much.

I don't need to stick my hand in a meat grinder to know it won't turn out well. Call it blind faith in that meat grinder, or learning from the misfortunes of others. Whatever you need to make yourself feel better.

I am not so arrogant as to think I (as a finite being) can even begin to understand the workings of an infinite being. But that doesn't make Him wrong.

on Oct 17, 2005
I am not so arrogant as to think I (as a finite being) can even begin to understand the workings of an infinite being. But that doesn't make Him wrong.

You should have enough courage to think for yourself and your Religion should give you enough room to try

I do have an honest question slightly off the HP topic:
Would you support a particular political leader if your religion (Bible, Pastor, ect..) told you to?
on Oct 17, 2005
I was actually debating religion in an other thread, I think with you even?,

on Oct 17, 2005
We do need to stop taking over this thread though. Sorry again EWolf I'm out!
on Oct 17, 2005

Hey each to their own

That I respect
on Oct 17, 2005
The ultimate oxymoron of the extremely religious... God gives man free will and knowledge of Good and Evil (through the apple in Eden, but the fundamentalist forfeits all of that in the name of God.

That's like taking the greatest, most well-intended gift in all the Universe, and slamming it back in the face of the one who gave it to you.

And actually, the Bible says "thou shall not suffer a witch to live" and forbids the PRACTICE of witchcraft or sorcery. Nowhere does it say you can not view it, read about it, or discuss it. Just that you may not PRACTICE it. There is a pretty clear difference if we're going to go with literal interpretation of the Bible.
on Oct 17, 2005
*looks around*


Post this, then 4 hours later, wham! *shakes head*

Well, glad you guys/gals could talk....

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