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If you could change one thing about yourself................
Published on April 21, 2006 By
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would change my 'absent mindedness'. Its cause too many catastrophes. I would also, if given a chance, change my looks, my financial situation (i.e. so that my mum is well off), that i would use my brain more often (
). Seriously though...
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America WILL fall to our Semi-powerful military...Mwahahaha!
on Apr 22, 2006
I would change my physical appearance. I'm not ugly, I'm just a bit fat. If I could have a nicer body, maybe I'd have better luck with the ladyfolk
Other than that, I'm pretty happy with myself the way that I am.
on Apr 22, 2006
If I could change just one thing about myself, the wise thing would be to wish for a very healthy self, however I'd wish to be 18 again!
on Apr 24, 2006
San Chonino
Same here...though, i am about 26.1 i% body fat, or so says the body analyis for my HPE class.
Yep, Health, wealth, and happiness. (Not exactly in that order, eh?
Take care y'all
Dick Gozinya
on Apr 25, 2006
I'd rid myself of impatience, it's my worst character defect.
If I could change one thing about my spouse, it would be their habit of procrastinating.
I think you can see why these two faults are at total odds with each other!
on Apr 25, 2006
f I could change one thing about my spouse, it would be their habit of procrastinating
She doesn't blog here, does she?
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