If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


I would change my 'absent mindedness'. Its cause too many catastrophes. I would also, if given a chance, change my looks, my financial situation (i.e. so that my mum is well off), that i would use my brain more often (). Seriously though...


on Apr 22, 2006
I would change my physical appearance. I'm not ugly, I'm just a bit fat. If I could have a nicer body, maybe I'd have better luck with the ladyfolk
Other than that, I'm pretty happy with myself the way that I am.
on Apr 22, 2006
If I could change just one thing about myself,  the wise thing would be to wish for a very healthy self, however I'd wish to be 18 again!
on Apr 24, 2006
San Chonino

Same here...though, i am about 26.1 i% body fat, or so says the body analyis for my HPE class.


Yep, Health, wealth, and happiness. (Not exactly in that order, eh? )

Take care y'all

on Apr 25, 2006
I'd rid myself of impatience, it's my worst character defect.

If I could change one thing about my spouse, it would be their habit of procrastinating.

I think you can see why these two faults are at total odds with each other!
on Apr 25, 2006
f I could change one thing about my spouse, it would be their habit of procrastinating

She doesn't blog here, does she?
