Published on April 26, 2006 By ----- In Blog Communities
Dr. Guy, I am going to say this once. I like you...you are one of my favorite bloggers.

HOWEVER, You need to just roll with it. Shrug off whatever problem(s) you have with Dick, John, or whomever....

Trust me. I've learned that. You know what happened to me....with staying focused on meaningless "avenging my honor" crusades. Nothing good.

Take a break....relax...do something. Forget about LW. She's not worth it. IF she is back...leave it to the admins...

Please...just listen.

Peace out ~Lucas

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 26, 2006

"Dr. Guy, I am going to say this once. I like you...you are one of my favorite bloggers"

and I'll quote Lucas and raise you 5, a high 5!  I'll say it alot!  I like Doc and he's a favorite of mine too,  him and Mano :")

"Forget about LW. She's not worth it."

amen!  an insightful for that.



on Apr 26, 2006
and I'll quote Lucas and raise you 5, a high 5! I'll say it alot! I like Doc and he's a favorite of mine too, him and Mano :")

I've never read too much of mano's stuff...

amen! an insightful for that

on Apr 27, 2006
Hey, I asked this on the other article, but of course it was off topic so I'll ask it here.

Since this LW person was not banished, why would the site's administrators even care if she started posting again? I have read the rules for this place, and it doesn't say you aren't allowed to change names or anything like that, so if she's not breaking any rules who cares?

Guy seems to be the only one having some sort of breakdown over the possibility. I can only surmise that their relationship was intense!
on Apr 27, 2006
So I was trying to figure out what this was all about and I did a google search on Dick Gozinya and Joeuser. Try it, it's kind of fun. It only comes back with a few results, one is an old thread where LW posted that one of her favorite silly names was "Dick Gozinya." It's found on A Rose by any other name.... - A Forum Post by lifehappens.


Comment #16.

Why did I bother? I don't watch soap operas during the day, so maybe this is my substitute.

Interesting, hmmmm?
on Apr 27, 2006
Interesting, hmmmm?

Yeah it is. Thanks for finding that. It was a month or so before I came here.

It could be LW...true enough...but it could also be someone pretending to be her. Though I think that would be a hard act to imitate.
on Apr 27, 2006
I don't care if it IS LW. Enough is enough.

I'm not going to write an article praising LW, or begging for her reinstatement, because I said my goodbyes. I have closed that chapter. But I would be ECSTATIC to see her return under ANY name; she's an interesting, compelling individual.

Lucas is right. Let's get over it. If our lives are so insignificant that the identity of a single poster on JU matters that much to us, well, maybe we need a hobby.
on Apr 27, 2006
Why did I bother?

LOL, why not?? ya made my day xtine!
on Apr 27, 2006
LMAO @ you silly people.

Can we say:

Mike Hunt
DIck Shaver
Harry Butz

While I can't seem to access the thread you referred to, xtine, if the infamous LW truly DID say she liked the name Dick Gozinya, then by God Almighty I must be her!

Outstanding detective work, outstanding.

Yes, I did say I was out of here for the weekend, and so I shall be, 'twas only a momentary delay in plans that allowed me a few more minutes to check out the latest installments here and elsewhere.

All I really have to say is this, you people really need to get a life. A REAL life. One where this sort of thing isn't of such a magnitude that you all stress and fret and fight over it.

I bet if you search JU and "imbecilic turnip-head" you'd find trudy's blog, too!

Have a good one, you neurotic bunch of hand-wringers.
on Apr 27, 2006
Mike Hunt
DIck Shaver
Harry Butz

Those are good. Took me a minute to get your screen name. Dick Gozinya. I chuckled when I read it. I don't know (or really care) who is behind the name, but I appreciated the chuckle for the day.
on Apr 27, 2006
Lucas is right. Let's get over it. If our lives are so insignificant that the identity of a single poster on JU matters that much to us, well, maybe we need a hobby.

Oh-my-god! *falls over dead in shock. I'm writing that on the calendar.

Have a good one, you neurotic bunch of hand-wringers.

Dude...do you remember my comment on the OTHER thread? I'm putting you on my BL for a while...

on Apr 27, 2006

While I can't seem to access the thread you referred to, xtine, if the infamous LW truly DID say she liked the name Dick Gozinya, then by God Almighty I must be her!

Told ya just how to do it. Google it. I figured it was so easy that ANYONE could do it and actually thought someone else would've beat me to it.

Whether or not it IS you/lw/whoever is not what interests me. What interests me is the coincidence of it. I'm always looking for interesting coincidences. There is order in chaos. Maybe this is it, maybe not. Worth taking note of it.

THAT is my hobby. Coincidences, faith, religion, lack-of, philosophies, human behavior, etc etc.

Kind of dull I know.
on Apr 27, 2006
I bet if you search JU and "imbecilic turnip-head" you'd find trudy's blog, too!

guess I got to ya huh!

on Apr 27, 2006
Look at the ego on Trudy. I guess we can come to expect that sort of behavior from her.

Why don't you go write another article about what color your shoes are wearing and title it Little Whip. Then days latter you can delete it and pretend like you weren't gasping for attention.
on Apr 27, 2006
I think the people who have a feud should take it off from JU and solve whatever their problem is on their personal email NOW instead of taking everybody as witnesses and make a trial online. Didnt you learn anything from the past?
on Apr 27, 2006
Ps-the only reason I called you a turnip-head is because Elindel Wolf did link LW's side of the story, and there were quite a few quotes from you there, trudy. She might not have been the nicest person in the world, but from what I saw, neither are you. I could be wrong, but do you really care?

Didn't think so.
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