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2nd trip to OHSU: 6 month follow up...
Published on May 1, 2006 By
We (Mum & I) leave tomarrow (Tuesday) at around noon-ish and are heading up to OHSU in Portland to go to follow up appointments with the various doc's we saw in October.
So far, My CO2 levels are normal. My heart has decreased in size. (Not quite the normal size yet, but close.) My lung is still collapsed (I believe). My diaphragm is still not working. *thinks* My hypertension is kaput...I believe. (According to what my 'normal' doc said.)
This time, we are going to discuss various possibilities in which we could fix everything--or at least, most of it. A few of the options (that come to mind at the moment) is (*IF* my insurance covers...*laughs* thats a whole other story...) lung transplant, re-inflate it (most likely), or lose more weight (have ben going to the local YMCA for the last four weeks, four times per week...). I've lost around 35 pounds. (After going back up to 273...)
We are hoping to be back Friday night...bringing along with us, a load of my cousin T's stuff. She graduates May 28th from Oregon State with a Doctorates in Vetrinary medicine.
(YEAH!) She was down this weekend and today, so she had a 'house party', cause she and her fiance bought a home.
Thats all for now...
Take care...
~ Lucas
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