Quote #1
Published on June 14, 2005 By ----- In Life
Write a response to each quote, either favoring it, against it. The 1st quote is below:

"Religion, in whatever form, is consolation for the pain of life." --Max Eastman

There will be at least two a week,if not more...

on Jun 14, 2005
on Aug 09, 2005
on Aug 09, 2005

Take Christianity, for example: Not only does it offer consolation for the pain of life, but it also describes the reason for the pain, and explains our need for consolation from it.

The pain of life is very real. The only real question is which (if any) of the consolations are good medicine, and which are placebos or poisons.

Good article! Very brief, but thought-provoking. Short and sweet. Thanks!
on Aug 11, 2005
on Aug 12, 2005
Religion, or the search for God in general, is humanity's attempt to understand and come to grips with something that is just too large for our brains to comprehend. Like in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (or was it in Restaurant at the end of the Universe), where Zaphod has to go into that machine which shows you the reality of the hugeness of the universe, and how much of an infinitesimal, meaningless speck you are, relatively speaking of course.

If truly confronted with a depiction of that magnitude, we would certainly go careening into the depths of despair and topple through complete insanity. Instead we have opted to take the insanity in small doses, i.e. faith, where small leaps allow us to remain contained from the infinite expanse that is existence.
on Aug 14, 2005