Yep,the title is in Deutsch...but the article isn't
Published on June 20, 2005 By ----- In Life
I never mentioned one of the biggest struggles of my life to anyone else that didn't know when i went through it...though it is no where compared to such struggles as cancer,Lou Gehrig Disease,etc... I feel that it was a time that i understood many things, and changed...

During my senior year of HS...I went to the ER at my local hospital because i was feeling a bit winded (I suffer from chronic ashtma,though not as bad now), come to find out my O2 (oxygen) was at 63/95 (95 is normal,healthy o2 intake level), the doctors rushed me into a bed and began to test the hell out of me...i took ekg's, ecg's,mri's,etc...as they had found out that i had pulminary hypertension,which was caused by a partialy collapsed lung on my right...sleep apnea, and diabetes....(they said that some of this was caused due to me being a premature baby,3.5 months early...and weighe1 lbs...5 ounces...)(hell of a 1-2-3 punch huh?) They monitered my vitals 24-7, it was constant hell (well, not as bad as it could have been), as i was a shallow sleeper, and the machine that watched my vitals went off...well,i was in the hospitol for two weeks...and come to find out, i was going to be on oxygen for at least two years...because, my lungs were similar to that of a 60 year old who had been smoking for 40 years,(at least thats what the doctor said....) so, i was to get my right lung re-inflated and lose weight (150 lbs.) and my lungs were going to heal...and now...6 years later...i am glad to say that i am healthy, wealthy, and .....well, maybe not wise... I am engaged to a beautiful woman, have a great job..(as you might have noticed by the nickname change) and am healthy...

on Jun 20, 2005
Thank God Lucas! Stay that way!!
on Jun 20, 2005
Excellent, Lucas. All the best!

But what does the title mean? "My self with something suffer my health"?
on Jun 29, 2005

Am I getting this right?  You're a professor at 24? 

on Jun 29, 2005
AJB--I haven't used german in 8-ish years, so i have a small recollection of it...oops...i tried though, was lucky i didn't call myself and asshole

Dharma--Yep, took classes at CC during last two years of HS, then went from their...
on Jun 29, 2005
CC as in community college?

You graduated high school at 18, and in less than 6 years you managed to get a doctorate? Where did you go to school at?

Sorry, but I'm having a hard time seeing how on earth you managed that. PhD's normally take a hell of a lot longer than 6 years.....
on Jun 29, 2005
yep, Southern Oregon University, their History program is one of the better programs.....how long it takes to get a doctorate depends on the program, example, my cousin tawnia...she got her doctorates in Vetrinary Medicine, it took her 9 years, my other cousin Kelly (guy) got his doctorates in Anthroplogy (Linguistic) and it took him 6 years...so, it just depends...