Published on June 29, 2005 By ----- In War on Terror
By: Bill O'Reilly for BillOReilly.com
Thursday, Jun 23, 2005

No country can win a conflict the way the USA is fighting the war on terror. Every move the Bush administration makes is scrutinized, criticized and roundly chastised by dissenters who firmly believe the President, himself, is responsible for much of the anti-American hatred around the world. The chorus is deafening. Bush "lied" about Iraq. Bush is violating civil liberties by supporting the Patriot Act. The President sanctions torture and is a major human rights violator. Every day there is another page one story telling Americans we are the bad guys.
The dissenters claim that what they're doing is patriotic, that they love America and just want to improve it. They claim that loyal dissent is one of the finest traditions of democracy.

But there is a difference between dissenting from a war and trying to undermine a war, which is clearly what some Americans are doing. Senator Richard Durbin's recent comments comparing a few rough interrogations at Guantanamo Bay to what the Soviets and Nazis did was number one with a bullet on Al Jazeera. That anti-American network couldn't get enough of Dick Durbin. For days his opinion echoed through the Arab world, inflaming even more hatred toward the USA.

Like Jane Fonda, Durbin claimed he was just trying to stop an immoral policy. But that argument is hollow in the face of the facts. More than 68,000 interrogations have taken place since 9/11 and the alleged abuses number in the hundreds. The Pentagon says it is actively prosecuting valid cases of abuse and, in a time of war, it might be wise to give the U.S. military the benefit of the doubt.

During World War II, widely considered the last "good" war, there was tight government control of information. No pictures of dead American soldiers were released to the public until 1943, two years after the conflict began. The Office of War Information made it quite clear to the press that any intentional undermining of the conflict would be punished. Even Hollywood scripts and newsreels were vetted. The U.S. government strictly censored what Americans saw and heard about the war, even where atrocities were concerned.

After German SS troops massacred 86 American soldiers at Malmedy in Belgium on December 17th, 1944, some units like the US 11th Armored Division took revenge on captured German soldiers. In the Pacific, relatively few Japanese prisoners were taken in the brutal island fights. But the folks back home never heard about those things or what techniques were used to interrogate prisoners who might know where the next ambush would be. The American military did what they had to do in order to win. As General Patton once said to his army: "I do not advocate standing Germans up against the wall and shooting them ... so shoot the sons of bitches before you get them to the wall."

George Patton would not be allowed to serve in combat today. The New York Times would make sure of that. The International Red Cross would be all over Patton and his aggressive Third Army. Dick Durbin would be appalled. But it is Patton that we need right now to defeat the barbarians who would kill all of us in the name of Allah. The "human rights" people really have no clue. The war on terror is the ultimate war. If Al Qaeda gets nuclear weapons, those people will use them.

It is true that the United States must stand above the Huns. We must not stoop to torturing detainees or committing battlefield atrocities. But mistakes happen in all wars and we are now fighting an invisible enemy. They wear no uniforms, they obey no rules of engagement.

It is time for Americans to decide exactly who is looking out for them. The government and military, which is trying to defeat vicious killers, or those who are on a jihad to undermine the war on terror in the name of patriotism? The battle lines are clearly drawn. Which side are you on?

on Jun 30, 2005
Great Article!!!

Of course it is every bit as Constitutional to protest against any war as to fight in it. Somehow though, the press and the protesters have forgotten that there is a difference between protesting a war and taking the side of the enemy of the U.S.

hanoijane is an excellent example of this. She said she was against the war, but then she took an active roll in supporting North Vietnam. She wasn't agaisnt the war, she was against the U.S. She was a traitor.

The Traitor Durbin (D, IL) stood up and made a statement that was so far from reality, no matter how he tried he couldn't even stand by his statements. First his supporters made exuses for him, then he shed crocodile tears and made excuses for himself. What his inflamatory statements did was tell the world that the State of Illinios considers the U.S. military to be no better than war criminals. He stood on the floor of the Senate and took an active roll in the war effort of the enemy. His speech gave those terrorists some of the best propaganda they'll have in a long time.

The press has also seemed to take sides on the war. They do everything in their considerable power to make the U.S. troops look like murderous barbarians. At the same time, we read of a kinder, gentler Hussein who likes Doritoes and gardening and hates Prs. Bush (both Sr, and Jr). They take that fact that some Iraqis don't want us there and inflate it to the lie that none of them want us there. Well, there are people in Fayetteville, NC, that don't want Fort Bragg there, should we close Bragg just to please them?

Dissent is one of the freedoms we, as free people, enjoy. Those who would make the US out to be the ultimate evil in the world need to remember that there are no secret police making them disappear in the night because they spoke out against the U.S. Which means, the fact they can stand a say the U.S. is the ultimate evil in the world, shows that the US is not!
on Jun 30, 2005
As usual, O'Reilly is fast and easy with the facts and condemnations. This from a man who used the legal system to pay a femal co-producers 12 million dollars due to his fear she might have tapes of his sexual harassment. On with the facts....

The United States does have curbs on free expression during a declared war, but this one is a presidential conflict. During World War II, O'Reilly would already be off the air or possibly indicted for his comments. The press, however, has been very lenient on President Bush, overall, considering his reluctance to fully discuss his background prior to 1974 and failure to fulfill a fully mandated six year military obligation. O'Reilly, however, is not concerned with journalism as he is with trying to shore uyp his falling ratings with a hot topic.

Secondly, he has equated numerous papers with being less than patiortic for comments regarding Iraq and more so about his style of distorting facts. He asks the listener to automatically assume Al Jazeera is the enemy; controlled by the enemy; and anyone who reads, quotes or views this paper as legitimate is less that patriotic. That is itself is unpatiortic and also, unamerican. Freedom of the press is still a constitutional right regardless of what O'Reilly states since he earns his bread and butter by manipulating news so badly.

Recall when O'Reilly openly stated the Pope was senile and then had to reluctantly retract it after disavowing ever to have said it.

Our fourth estate is in a state of ethical flux due in some part to the type of pesudo-journalism O'Reilly advocates. In this sense, he is just as guilty of unpatriotic attitude sense he failed to serve his nation during the Vietnam Conflict. An upper middle class yuppie who attended a Cathlic High School until graduating in 1968 and then migrated to Marist College, another less than cheap tuition institution; spent a year in London attending classes and then back in time for graduation followed by graduate school. Now, he has all the answers except why he didn't serve his country in time of war, as he puts it. He'll never answer since avoidance of this topic is a must for him to maintain his working class image, when wasn't since his father was a CPA working for a defense contractor and mother a physical therapist. Just more bull.

I would also suggest all read what Senator Burbin actually said instead of depending on O'Reilly to interpret it for you. O'Reilly needs the ratings and doesn't want you to think for yourself.

Finally, photos of our dead at Guadacanal in 1942, numbed the American public who are so reluctant to grasp war is not glorious. Again, O'Reilly is talking of a period he admits information was controlled by the government. There are serious doubts about President Bush's expresseed reasons for involving us in Iraq to begin with and it was the same O'Reilly who was finally forced to admit there were no WMDs. Yet under this premise, the public would have no right to know; only to believe and keept feeding the manpower for a President who seems to have no plan for postwar Iraq much less the War on Terror. It is the public's inherent right to know the truth and WWII gave us the express reasons for control, Pearl Harbon, Hirohito, Tojo, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini and a formal declaration of war. Pseudo-journalists like O'Reilly are banking on your to accept the Big Lie whether given by him or anyone else to a gullible numbed out public. See through is facade and you see a sacred man who desparately finds his dollar bills depends upon your gullability just like President Bush's credibility does.

Why is it so many of these Chickenhawksw failed to serve during the Vientam Era and now ask us to accept their declaration of manhhod based on bravado as the god given truth. Why doesn't O'Reilly go to a VA hospital and hawk the president cutting back on DVA benefits and funding as necessary. He won't since too many know the real truth there and O'Reilly knows it. Of course, he did states he knows all about combat, but didn't go into massive detail.
on Jun 30, 2005
As usual, O'Reilly is fast and easy with the facts and condemnations. This from a man who used the legal system to pay a femal co-producers 12 million dollars due to his fear she might have tapes of his sexual harassment. On with the facts....

The United States does have curbs on free expression during a declared war, but this one is a presidential conflict. During World War II, O'Reilly would already be off the air or possibly indicted for his comments. The press, however, has been very lenient on President Bush, overall, considering his reluctance to fully discuss his background prior to 1974 and failure to fulfill a fully mandated six year military obligation. O'Reilly, however, is not concerned with journalism as he is with trying to shore uyp his falling ratings with a hot topic.

Secondly, he has equated numerous papers with being less than patiortic for comments regarding Iraq and more so about his style of distorting facts. He asks the listener to automatically assume Al Jazeera is the enemy; controlled by the enemy; and anyone who reads, quotes or views this paper as legitimate is less that patriotic. That is itself is unpatiortic and also, unamerican. Freedom of the press is still a constitutional right regardless of what O'Reilly states since he earns his bread and butter by manipulating news so badly.

Recall when O'Reilly openly stated the Pope was senile and then had to reluctantly retract it after disavowing ever to have said it.

Our fourth estate is in a state of ethical flux due in some part to the type of pesudo-journalism O'Reilly advocates. In this sense, he is just as guilty of unpatriotic attitude sense he failed to serve his nation during the Vietnam Conflict. An upper middle class yuppie who attended a Cathlic High School until graduating in 1968 and then migrated to Marist College, another less than cheap tuition institution; spent a year in London attending classes and then back in time for graduation followed by graduate school. Now, he has all the answers except why he didn't serve his country in time of war, as he puts it. He'll never answer since avoidance of this topic is a must for him to maintain his working class image, when wasn't since his father was a CPA working for a defense contractor and mother a physical therapist. Just more bull.

I would also suggest all read what Senator Burbin actually said instead of depending on O'Reilly to interpret it for you. O'Reilly needs the ratings and doesn't want you to think for yourself.

Finally, photos of our dead at Guadacanal in 1942, numbed the American public who are so reluctant to grasp war is not glorious. Again, O'Reilly is talking of a period he admits information was controlled by the government. There are serious doubts about President Bush's expresseed reasons for involving us in Iraq to begin with and it was the same O'Reilly who was finally forced to admit there were no WMDs. Yet under this premise, the public would have no right to know; only to believe and keept feeding the manpower for a President who seems to have no plan for postwar Iraq much less the War on Terror. It is the public's inherent right to know the truth and WWII gave us the express reasons for control, Pearl Harbon, Hirohito, Tojo, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini and a formal declaration of war. Pseudo-journalists like O'Reilly are banking on your to accept the Big Lie whether given by him or anyone else to a gullible numbed out public. The President and SecDef depicted all Muslims as the enemy and anyone who disagreed with their policy as traitors. Problem is, it didn't work. O'Reilly knows this just as he knows even holwding people indefinitely without determin9ng whether or not they are terrorists is unamerican. He is not to be believed, but asks that you believe him and our government always. Yes and O'Reilly won a Peabody Award or was it Polk or was it nothing while he was affiliated with Inside Edition. See through is facade and you see a sacred man who desparately finds his dollar bills depends upon your gullability just like President Bush's credibility does.

Why is it so many of these Chickenhawksw failed to serve during the Vientam Era and now ask us to accept their declaration of manhhod based on bravado as the god given truth. Why doesn't O'Reilly go to a VA hospital and hawk the president cutting back on DVA benefits and funding as necessary. He won't since too many know the real truth there and O'Reilly knows it. Of course, he did states he knows all about combat, but didn't go into massive detail.
on Jun 30, 2005
He asks the listener to automatically assume Al Jazeera is the enemy

--Listening to it, it is majorly biased...

would also suggest all read what Senator Burbin actually said instead of depending on O'Reilly to interpret it for you.

--Burbin did a: "Insert foot in mouth" "Chew" (foot in mouth disease)
on Jun 30, 2005
Khesan, with all due respect, it seems that you have swallowed the anti Bush rhtetoric with all the furvor Karl Rove would love to see Republicans swallowing the Pro Bush rhetoric.

How is a blind sheep for one side any better than a blind sheep for the other side?
on Jun 30, 2005
The press has also seemed to take sides on the war. They do everything in their considerable power to make the U.S. troops look like murderous barbarians. At the same time, we

The perception of war can be different across the world. In fact the most difficult question is to define Bellum Justum or just war. World War II was the last war on which you will have no major difference of opinion.However, on Vietnam or on Iraq there will be differences of emphases. For example, defence of the homeland against an aggressor will be one ground to defend war. The Bush and his men say that terrorism is a new kind of war which the UDA is now fighting. Maybe, but that does not justify the use of measures that are not acceptable to the International Community. Remember terrorists are not bound by conventions or treaties. Nations are. Pre emptive war that Bush has launched against the country Iraq is particularly difficult to justify unless there are extenuating circumstances.
on Jun 30, 2005
if goss really knows where bin laden is as he claims...and if goss really believes al quaeda is capable of carrying out an attack like 911...and the president and his strategists have spent the last 2 years declaring we won't allow international opinion or the sovereignity of nations who harbor terrorists to stop us from capturing them...why the hell are we arguing about some once-upon-a-time tabloid tv host/current-braindead gasbag's opinion instead of doing something to make goss (and the president i guess) quit their moaning about weakest links in our chain of friends, get off their asses and go capture bin laden? Link

how's that for a dissent?
on Jun 30, 2005
The perception of war can be different across the world.

As with most things, perception is too manipulatable to be trusted by either side. The fact is, the very words that are used by either side tell which side they are on, and in turn, which side holds their allegiences.

Is the U.S. carrying out an unjustifiable, pre-emptive war? Or are we enforcing a ceasefire agreement from 1991? Are those who are travelling to Iraq terrorists, or are they defending the Hussein regime's right to govern Iraq? If they are travelling to, and fighting for Iraq, but aren't part of any nation's uniformed military, are they mercenaries? If they are, and the no international agreement or treaty recognizes any rights for any mercenary, are we required to grant them more rights than even The Geneva Convention grants them?

How a person answers these questions makes it clear even to themselves where their allegiences lie. Yes, you can be neutral in opinion, but if the answer to the above questions places you on one side or another, perhaps it's time to question your own thoughts of "neutrality".

And btw, actually there was major dissent during WWII, and about as many rumors and conspiracy theories about it as today. The leaders of the day shrugged them off, and so should the leaders of today.
on Jun 30, 2005
The press, however, has been very lenient on President Bush, overall, considering his reluctance to fully discuss his background prior to 1974 and failure to fulfill a fully mandated six year military obligation. O'Reilly, however, is not concerned with journalism as he is with trying to shore uyp his falling ratings with a hot topic.

That has to be the funniest thing I have read today. The media was beside themselves bashing Bush on his military service. They went as far as using obviously faked documents to prove their point because they couldn't find real proof of their accusations. Bush has discussed his background, and released paperwork. However his opponent during the last election has never released his paperwork, or discussed the accusations against him. Did the press touch this, not at all.
on Jun 30, 2005
As usual, O'Reilly is fast and easy with the facts and condemnations. This from a man who used the legal system to pay a femal co-producers 12 million dollars due to his fear she might have tapes of his sexual harassment. On with the facts....

The United States does have curbs on free expression during a declared war, but this one is a presidential conflict.

What a load of BALONEY! Just an FYI this IS a "declared" war! Just ask congress. And the press has been "LESS" than lienient with President Bush. They take him to task on EVERY little thing they can dig up, even if it's not his fault/problem

During World War II, O'Reilly would already be off the air or possibly indicted for his comments. The press, however, has been very lenient on President Bush, overall, considering his reluctance to fully discuss his background prior to 1974 and failure to fulfill a fully mandated six year military obligation. O'Reilly, however, is not concerned with journalism as he is with trying to shore uyp his falling ratings with a hot topic.

Secondly, he has equated numerous papers with being less than patiortic for comments regarding Iraq and more so about his style of distorting facts. He asks the listener to automatically assume Al Jazeera is the enemy; controlled by the enemy; and anyone who reads, quotes or views this paper as legitimate is less that patriotic. That is itself is unpatiortic and also, unamerican. Freedom of the press is still a constitutional right regardless of what O'Reilly states since he earns his bread and butter by manipulating news so badly.

Excuse me, but since Al-Jazerra is NOT an American paper it does NOT fall under constitutional protection!

Recall when O'Reilly openly stated the Pope was senile and then had to reluctantly retract it after disavowing ever to have said it.

Our fourth estate is in a state of ethical flux due in some part to the type of pesudo-journalism O'Reilly advocates. In this sense, he is just as guilty of unpatriotic attitude sense he failed to serve his nation during the Vietnam Conflict.

More baloney!

An upper middle class yuppie who attended a Cathlic High School until graduating in 1968 and then migrated to Marist College, another less than cheap tuition institution; spent a year in London attending classes and then back in time for graduation followed by graduate school. Now, he has all the answers except why he didn't serve his country in time of war, as he puts it. He'll never answer since avoidance of this topic is a must for him to maintain his working class image, when wasn't since his father was a CPA working for a defense contractor and mother a physical therapist. Just more bull.

I would also suggest all read what Senator Burbin actually said instead of depending on O'Reilly to interpret it for you.

Maybe *your* the one that should read Traitor Durbins remark. Let me help. This is directly from the senate record.

Members of al-Qaida
would not be prisoners of war. We
would be able to do everything we need
to do to keep our country safe. The difference
is, we would not have damaged
our reputation in the international
community in the process.
When you read some of the graphic
descriptions of what has occurred
here—I almost hesitate to put them in
the RECORD, and yet they have to be
added to this debate. Let me read to
you what one FBI agent saw. And I
quote from his report:
On a couple of occasions, I entered interview
rooms to find a detainee chained hand
and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with
no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated
or defecated on themselves, and had
been left there for 18–24 hours or more. On
one occasion, the air conditioning had been
turned down so far and the temperature was
so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee
was shaking with cold. . . . On another
occasion, the [air conditioner] had
been turned off, making the temperature in
the unventilated room well over 100 degrees.
The detainee was almost unconscious on the
floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had
apparently been literally pulling his hair out
throughout the night. On another occasion,
not only was the temperature unbearably
hot, but extremely loud rap music was being
played in the room, and had been since the
day before, with the detainee chained hand
and foot in the fetal position on the tile
If I read this to you and did not tell
you that it was an FBI agent describing
what Americans had done to prisoners
in their control, you would most
certainly believe this must have been
done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags,
or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others—
that had no concern for human
beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This
was the action of Americans in the
treatment of their prisoners

And on top of ALL that the supposed FBI agent? He NEVER said what Durbin says he did!
on Jul 02, 2005
if goss really knows where bin laden is as he claims...and if goss really believes al quaeda is capable of carrying out an attack like 911...and the president and his strategists have spent the last 2 years declaring we won't allow international opinion or the sovereignity of nations who harbor terrorists to stop us from capturing them...why the hell are we arguing about some once-upon-a-time tabloid tv host/current-braindead gasbag's opinion instead of doing something to make goss (and the president i guess) quit their moaning about weakest links in our chain of friends, get off their asses and go capture bin laden?

kingbee -

This is wanting it both ways. The left screams bloody murder that we've violated all the niceties of international law and we should straighten up & fly right, right now, and you're criticizing Goss/Bush for doing that? But then, how many ways you want it sort of differentiates the right from the left - one wants it one way, the other both ways.

on Jul 02, 2005
Notice how Khesanh ignores the words and meaning and just attacks O'Reilly personally. But then I suppose this post would be redundant.

on Jul 02, 2005
Al Jazeera goes beyond being a press organization. They are a willing conduit for propaganda and information exchange between isolated terrorist organizations. It is well known that all these speeches they air contain keywords and messages that these little monsters use to get to cells they have no contact with.

By granting them the airtime, they allow smelly cretins in caves the opportunity to have satillite communications, without all the stickie "They're tracing the call" worries. Screw them, they should love Bush. If many of us were President Al Jazeera would be a valid military target, and their reporters enemy combatants.