Published on July 4, 2005 By ----- In Misc
I propose we all start a group to watch blogs...not only here, but else where, compile a list of blog sites, and have one or two register, and then watch for anyone who might be suspect of being a pedophile, lunatic,etc......perhaps?

Link to article: Link

on Jul 05, 2005
Hmm, I not entirely convince anyone is stupid enough to have a blog the lines of:

"Dear Blog readers,
Today I tied up 6 kids in my basement. Tomorrow I'm thinking of bombing a major government building. Down with the government! I sure hope no one spoils my ultra-secret anti-social activities."

I've heard some pedophiles keep catalogues of kids they have abused in the past, but I've never heard of one keeping one in the public domain. I don't know, I guess it wouldn't hurt though. I don't have anything against monitoring of things in the public domain as long there is a good reason to do so. For example I wouldn't like the idea of being monitored just because I might express anti-government sentiments in the public domain. However if I was later a suspect in a terrorist attack or something such monitoring would be fair game.
on Jul 05, 2005
Hmm, I not entirely convince anyone is stupid enough to have a blog the lines of:

"Dear Blog readers,
Today I tied up 6 kids in my basement. Tomorrow I'm thinking of bombing a major government building. Down with the government! I sure hope no one spoils my ultra-secret anti-social activities."

I've heard some pedophiles keep catalogues of kids they have abused in the past, but I've never heard of one keeping one in the public domain. I don't know, I guess it wouldn't hurt though. I don't have anything against monitoring of things in the public domain as long there is a good reason to do so. For example I wouldn't like the idea of being monitored just because I might express anti-government sentiments in the public domain. However if I was later a suspect in a terrorist attack or something such monitoring would be fair game.

--Well duh, of course not,well, i wouldn't put it past anyone...but my thoughts on it is, if anyone can catch something blogged that even remotley hints at what could lead to child abuses,etc... and such things are prevented then lets go... the only problem, is that not all are "trained" in such discertion...what one may view as dangerous, might not be...therefore there might be a need for guidelines....