Essay 1-Part 1 (an ongoing,weekly, 'rant' )
We as americans, are naturally accustomed to Life, Liberty, Freedom.....the right to do what we want, within the confines of the law....and, we call ourselves the United states of america, when, we arn't....we may seem divided, but out there are countless others, all out for there own, and when it serves them to be "patriotic" then they appear to be....we have poloticians, that instead of getting things done, are waging wars on the basis of "Freedom"....that word is starting to get annoying,ironically.....They say, we should do this, because otherwise it is a infringement upon a freedom,etc...
Essay 1-Part 2
Another thing is that with Freedom, liberty,etc... there becomes a cacophoney of incoherent BS, people do things, then cry out liberty, freedom,etc... How ironic is it that when people say that America was founded on conservative, traditional values...,which, (again ironically) promote freedom, liberty, in essence, to go back to our founding ideals, what the constitution was founded on,from locke,hobbes..etc...means we should go forward...right? Just a thought...more to follow...will post a link to this one on the new one (new rant, next week possibly....)