a bit of a rant...and a side order of... ;p
Link (Article about sentencing, my article is based off of comments, etc.. in the respective article, i only wish to ask a question, and hear other JU bloggers thoughts/answers)
I've been following what has been occuring in the Trial of the BTK Killer (aka Dennis Rader). With his conviction and sentencing (10 consecutive life sentences), this...thing, now has two paths left open for him. Will he; when in jail, spend his time in; A) Solitary Confinement/lockdown, or
Be able to traverse about the prison with the other criminals...
Both options are being considered, as the prosecutor (Nola Foulston) of the case said to CNN; "I'd vote for general population,"...(pedophiles) "don't usually fare well" (in prison)
Mr. Rader did apolgoize to the family's of those he killed, but is that enough? Was he truly honest? Or was this a cruel joke, to gain sympathy? This brings me to some questions; Does mr. rader (if he is left with general prison inmantes) deserve to be left that way? It is said that pedophiles are not viewed "well" in jails, that there are many in jail that have children and view pedophiles to be "scum". If he ends up that way, and the other inmates..."Initiate"...him, would he deserve that? Or should he be held in lockdown/confinement for his own saftey? Or should he be held in confinement/lockdown because of what he did, that he could still be a threat? (to the other inmates)...Is he really a horrible, wretched man? Or is he just a "Pansy" in disguise?
POLL: Link (48407 people so far)
--IMO, he should be left to fight for his life, if the inmates do...beat him, etc... then fine...He (IMO) comitted the biggest crime/"sin" that can be perptrated by a human being. Unfortunatley (I know i sound a bit hypocritical...), due to the fact that Kansas didn't reinstate capital punishment until '94, three years after his last murder. (I say "unfortunatley", though i am against the death penalty, because when i see children getting molested and killed, people being murdered (not counting children), and other horrible/atrocious acts comitted upon them. (rape, molestation, murder...) It makes my "blood boil"...and i get furious and shout "fry the #$%&*^!" (just so ya know)
What do you think? Is this sentencing adequate? Is it justice?