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Showdown:Crawford Texas -- Bush vs. Sheehan -- RNC vs. DNC
Published on August 19, 2005 By
War on Terror
Ok, I felt maybe i shouldn't step in and address the Sheehan debacle. But, I felt maybe i would rest better putting in my two cents in.
She claims she wants to know why her son died in iraq. But according to an Ok, granted; If i had a child and he/she died, i would want to know. But can she accept that they don't know, or perhaps he died in such a gruesome way, that it could traumatize her? (its possible) Would she accept the truth? Or would she deny it? Will she (if she gets an answer) believe the words coming from the administration, the one which she so vehemently opposes?
Now, instead of looking at how she (mrs. Sheehan) is acting now, how about we go back to before her son died. Was she anti war then, maybe, but "Ms. Sheehan's son, Casey, was killed last year in Iraq, after which she became an antiwar activist." ( http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/08/politics/08crawford.html?ex=1124596800&en=29e3f28cd000af37&ei=5070 ) Does this mean that before the war she was for it? That she was a fence sitter? If we take the approach that she was for the war in iraq, then what exactly caused the sudden change, the death of her son? (I don't think so, i think it was the grief, and the need to blame someone.)A death of a family member, especially a son/daughter brings about major emotional changes, a person goes through stages, regret, blame, disbelief,etc... Could it be the "stacking" of stress? Sure, she cares very much about her son, and he died. This can also cause swift changes. Her disagreement with the polocisies of bush's admin could easily of "piled" on to her consciousness and caused her sudden change. Blind hatred/dislike of his polocies could've clouded her reasoning/logic abilitys when she met with bush the first time. He has said that he empathizes/sympathises. (this comes from MSM) So is it because of her sentiment on his polocies that she dismisses his words? Perhaps.
Why haven't i, having searched for over 3 hours, yet to find anything reffering to what bush said when he first met mrs. sheehan? Why is it that she has said little about what the president said in their first meeting?
She says quote: "that she wants all the U.S. troops brought back from Iraq "immediately." (according to the GSFP website) But how do the soldiers feel? How did her son feel? Is she really doing the right thing as result of her mothers death? Does she feel it is a good thing to help the iraqi's? Not "promote polocies", but to help those who have suffered greatly rebuild? Haven't heard a thing about it. Has she completely forgotten the good part of the war in iraq? Does she speak for every grieving family? For every soldier?
Also, how can some one who is not part of the many families who have lost sons/daughters/mothers/fathers in iraq feel? Is there a proper way? That person has never gotten close to the person, they could offer support, but can any one honestly tell me that one person could sympathize/empathize properly according to each family...? To quote from a bush spokesman said: "We can only imagine how painful and difficult it must be for a mother to lose her son." -- Bush hasn't lost anyone in iraq that is family,right?
Also, it seems that bush's approval has dropped...yeah, how does:
Recent polls show a sharp drop in support for the war. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll taken earlier this month found that 54 percent of people surveyed thought the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake.
-Represent all of america? Samplings are small, at most (that i have seen) is 2,000...Also, admitted in another article pertaining to Bush's approval rating is:
In conducting the poll, Princeton Survey Research Associates International interviewed 1,004 adults aged 18 and older
-May i ask how 1,004 people represent over 296,927,976 US Citizens (minus children, criminals, etc...)
--What is her party/stance (liberal-conservative...) perhaps that is the source of her disagreement? IMO, she is ignorant of what other families of fallen soldiers feel, and what soldiers feel...can she honestly speak for america... Her campaign has become a circus, media vehicles strew about, people walking about with various anti war/bush signs/slogans...If she really is against the war, and not using it as a smoke screen for another purpose, then i would respect her even more, but at the moment, i am not too sure...
--This may be a bit of a rant, there might be more later...I apologize for any accidental insults (none are intended)
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