Chavez whines...
Published on August 29, 2005 By ----- In International
Get this; Pat Robertson, expresses his opinion, and that is his right, no matter how "out there" it may be. (An example would be some of the extreme partisans we have here) and he apolgoizes, well, i'm guessing Hugo Chavez didn't get the memo.

He's now, demanding the US deal with Robertson, or he says he will go to the UN, and other international organizations, and denounce the US for "protecting a 'terrorist' by not acting" ( http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/43989743-A702-4364-989E-503631A05949.htm ) Now, is it me, or does this have nothing to do with terrorism , but a lot to deal with his crusade against the wrong war? Chavez has been a opponent of Bush, as have many out there in the world. This seems to be his (Chavez's) best chance to hit Bush hard.

Now, my guess is that this just may be shrugged off, but that would also be a severe blow to the US's reputation.

Whether this is a whiny,piny, bs challenge; or, a serious challenge, Bush is finding himself sixty,err, six feet under. And little options on how to get out.



on Aug 29, 2005
6 feet under in that the view of him and his administration is "sour", and is spreading...pehaps it was a bad choice of words.
on Aug 29, 2005
oh, pertaining to AL Sharp ton, Jesse Jackson and crew... I can't stand their poor black crap. They can have a decent living, but they will have to work for it. Not have it handed to them. Kinda like what Bill Cosby was saying, then he got bashed by Sharpton,Jackson, and crew; its disgusting.