Published on October 21, 2005 By ----- In Religion
The Catholic church, many see it as a 'foundation', others see it as a barricade. I see it as a global corporation. Its own interests in mind, and fully capable of corruption. In the world as we know it, the catholic church is a big influence in the affairs of certain nations. Is it unreasonable to say that it is a..."boundry" setter? Or a "dictatorial" power? Other than it doesn't want to desroy the world,etc... What makes it any different from other "dictatorships"? (or oligarchies) Is it the ability to 'tolerate' (at times)? Is it the common sense to remai neutral in certain situations? It certainly spreads its influence around.

(Just a few thoughts)

on Oct 21, 2005
Good thoughts.  IN the past, it was dictatorial.  Not today.  I much prefer the modern version over the mid-evil one.
on Oct 21, 2005
I don't think the Cathoic Church is trying to influence non-Catholics. They take their stand and everyone else, individual or nation can agree or disagree. I do not feel that they are trying to impose their stance on others.
on Oct 21, 2005

I don't think the Cathoic Church is trying to influence non-Catholics.

Actually, as a Catholic, I think they are.  In a good way today, but they are.  Pope John Paul II was always meddling in non Catholic stuff. 

Acknowledging that, I dont think it is a bad thing.  As long as they can only pontificate and not dictate.

on Oct 21, 2005
Good thoughts. IN the past, it was dictatorial. Not today. I much prefer the modern version over the mid-evil one.

True, and i agree whole heartedly... There is still *some* power/influence these days.....but, i think it is waning...