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Published on October 26, 2005 By
Well, have you ever, when you have just joined some online group, or place... Felt like it was hopeless in trying to gauge the other users... Not knowing whether the other was being serious, sarcastic,etc... I did... I rememeber feeling (when i joined JU) like the way i did on my first day of high school. Unsure, ignorant....etc... But, boy oh boy, how the times fly, and oh oh how so many trains i've taken head on...
I've learned something (amongst other things) Don't take "trains" head on, and don't "gauge"...
On another note, I was chatting (didn't A/S/L the person to death, they happened to ask first) with a girl going to Mizzou Southern University, and we got to talking, we both share a similar past... We both are live with our parents, for the time being... She (when i sent her a photo) even said i was "very handsome"
*ego inflates* (Dang it, *punctures it with needle of reality*
I was flabergasted... I have never (besides my parents/relatives) had anyone else say i was handsome...
Quite the compliment... I (in disbeleif) asked her if she was serious...(and later explained) and she said yes...
Besides that, she was a great person (Now yes, i am cautious in that it *might* not really be that person...) (ok dharma?
) So, it was an interesting conversation, and i plan on talking with her again...
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