Published on October 26, 2005 By ----- In War on Terror
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I read a blog/article on instapundit.com, and I had to agree with the fact that those soldiers who have died in the Iraq war, and the afghanistan war, are being trivialized. (And insulted) They are (in MSM) being portrayed as mere numbers... #1,545.....#1,845 .....#2000.... Its bullshit. The *only* news show that i see that actually presents (those they can) the soldiers, who they are, etc... In a (at least half-way, compared to the others) dignified way. (right word) is "News hour" with Jim Leher. I mean, c'mon people... Perhaps i am being over emotional about it. But, it just infuriates me.

I think the best bit from the article/blog is the following:

For what is the value of a man who will fight a war for others who despise him?

But for those who are willing to take action, there would be no wall at all hold back evil and those men and women on the wall deserve more than a number.

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