Published on October 31, 2005 By ----- In Misc
Hmmm, its nearly bed time.... And a couple things came to mind.

Today, as we came up. We hit a stretch of highway (HWY 97) where it is straight, and this goes for miles... Well, today ("Conveniently"), there was a huge wind speed. We had gusts of 20+. (According to the weather guy on the radio, it felt worse...) Well, we were driving our van. Which, in the wind... Likes to dance. ALL over the road. It went here....and there..... My mum's trying to control the damned thing... While i am trying to make sure her coffee doesn't fall in her lap.

Also, We checked where we were supposed to go tomarrow... and found that tomarrow's tests are going to be fairly close together... although, one is on the 12th floor, another the 10th, etc... and my mum says she doesn't do elevators, cause of claustrophobia...yeah, right...welll, guess, if she wants to come...going to need to do elevators...cause there is no f'ing way she would make the complete trip via stairs... At 57, thats not the best way.....

Hmmm, well, its about 9:52 pm... so, i guess i better go to bed.... might take a quick look around first, then head to bed....

Take care y'all!

Best Regards, Lucas

on Oct 31, 2005
I am staying at the Ronald McDonald house near the hospitol... I'll get a picture of it...