Published on November 2, 2005 By ----- In Misc
What is it that runs life? Is it the so frequently blamed "fate"? Or, perhaps it is you. Yes, you, each individual that lives, eats, and breathes. Do you believe that every action you take, every thought.... changes the out come of whatever you do. For example: Person A is driving down road 1, and is looking to turn on to road 2, but, person B wants to turn onto road 1. Both drivers decide they should be first, resulting in a head on collision. Lets say person a waited, and let person B go ahead. Thats what i am talking about. "Fate" a random roll of dice, action/reaction.... what is it?

What do you think?

In my opinion; with each action a person makes, their is a "cosmic evaluation" of that action. If some one commits murder, then they are graded accordingly. And, with each cycle, one either has to pay dearly ("bad luck"), or be rewarded ("Good luck"). You could say its karma, but yet not Karma per se...


on Nov 02, 2005
Random chaos and our ability to think. First, we go by the rules of the road, in rder to avoid accidents. However, if there is confusion, we do what is in our best interests. Say, I am person A, I wait because it is in both my best interest and that of person B to follow the rules of the road, or work out something with hand signals so we don't hit each other. So I wave person B on, realizing that the alternative puts us both at risk of damage to our cars, injury or death. Basically, it is not quite random, we each do a personal evalutaion of the consequences, and decide which one is worse. That is why persons A and B don't wind up crashing a lot, because persons A and B (usually) have the ability to think.

It's all random chaos, hunny. There's no such thing as karma. If there were, assholes would never get rich and saints would never suffer.

Agreed. If there was karma, why does Saddam get to live to be 70, and Terry Fox dies in his 20s?
on Nov 07, 2005
It's all random chaos

Hey! Get outta my head, how'd you know about my life?

Agreed. If there was karma, why does Saddam get to live to be 70, and Terry Fox dies in his 20s?

Perhaps Fox was "guilty" of something bigger?

"God's Will"

Never said anything about GOD....

Sheesh we are egotistical, us humans. If God created this world and all it's wonders, do you think he stopped there? Are WE the pinnacle of his creative ability?

Thats why i like the saying from the movie 'contact': 'If we, humans, are the only beings in god's universe...then its an aweful waste of space.." (Or something like that)

Best Regards, Lucass