Published on November 9, 2005 By ----- In Current Events
Finally, some citizens, sick and tired of the 'hoodlums' that now seem to control the rioting. And aware of the french governments ineptness/inability to control the riots, have taken matters into their own hands.

Neighbors patrol riot-scarred French towns

ASNIERES, France - As night falls, residents-turned-sentinels are setting off on rounds of their riot-hit towns looking to prevent more arson and attacks. Several towns in the suburbs of Paris and elsewhere are organizing themselves to restore order after France's worst violence since the May 1968 student riots. Unlike police, the key to their success is gentle persuasion and a watchful eye.

"We are not Rambos!" Manuel Aeschliman, the mayor of this town northwest of Paris, reminds a dozen volunteers as they set off for their rounds. "No intervention: If you see something, call it in."

In cities across France, residents are holding overnight vigils in their homes and in public buildings liable to come under attack.

Aeschliman, a conservative politician close to hard-line Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, has been rounding up his neighborhood watch team at sunset since rioters set fire to a dozen cars and a warehouse last week.

The group of stocky men and a couple women take turns patrolling until dawn, splitting into teams of two armed with nothing more than a fire extinguisher.

You know what i think, good. Though i do caution them to be wary, vigilantism is not always good. Hopefully, as they have said their intent is, thing will go smoothly..

Best Regards, Lucas

on Nov 09, 2005
Are they really vigilanties? They're more like a Neighborhood Watch where "if [they] see something, call it in". My question would be who are they calling? If the police are already overwhelmed, then this won't do much. I'm wondering if this is being set up in areas worried about the violence spreading INTO them, rather then areas that are already actively violent.

Either way, you're right. It's good to see the population taking an active role.
on Nov 09, 2005
They should have guns instead of fire extinquishers.
on Nov 09, 2005
They should have guns instead of fire extinquishers.