Is there "alien" life out there in our universe? If so, then are they capable of travelling here? Have they visited? What do they seek? Why haven't we discovered any? Will we ever reach that point in science when we are able to travel vast distances in 'decent' amounts of time? (e.g. not 50 yrs...etc...)
I do think there is "ET"/"Alien" Life out there in the universe. To me, it would be illogical not to be. Why would there be so much space, with only one advanced life form occupying it? Are we the masters of this domain? No... I believe, that there are races both more advanced and less advanced than we are, to teach us humiltiy, warn us against possibilties,etc... (I don't remember exactly) But, I read some where that, mathematically, it is most likely that there *are* ET out there in this universe. I do believe they have visited. I think they are here (Humorous view- "to view us like we are a zoo exhibit") studying... Humans are complex...and at times irrational. Perhaps they arn't interested in us? Perhaps we are considered 'trivial'. I think we have encountered ET life, but, due to the trauma/inexperience in it, we don't realize what we see. Then when it comes around to the point of realization of what happened, main stream thought tends to bash it. Because it isn't "the norm". I think we wil reach the point where we can travel vast speeds i short, i am not saying like star trek, or star wars... But, compared to the time it would take to travel to the nearest star (Alpha centauri [?])and what i think we would be... its quite decreased.
Best Regards, Lucas