Sort of Humor...
Published on December 30, 2005 By ----- In Misc
I had an idea for a “JU Awards” type of thing. Where, we get together and nominate bloggers, blogs, political personas, and other figures. (Or places) For various awards.

Such as:

Stupidest Action:

Stupid Quote:
(By politician,etc... Not JU Blogger)
Stupidest Action:

Looniest Liberal:

Croniest Conservative:
(yeah, "croniest" is not exactly a word, just work with me on this)

Best Satire/Parody:

Best Satire/Parody:

Any Ideas for categories? Do realize, this is intended as humor.


on Dec 30, 2005
There was an awards thread about two years ago. I forgot who ran it or took votes, but it was a fun little thing.
on Dec 30, 2005
We all know you lean to the right, Lucas, but suggesting two separate 'Looniest Liberal' categories seems a bit extreme ...
on Dec 30, 2005
There was an awards thread about two years ago. I forgot who ran it or took votes, but it was a fun little thing.

Ah, I wasn't here then...so....

We all know you lean to the right, Lucas, but suggesting two separate 'Looniest Liberal' categories seems a bit extreme

Whoops...I copy and pasted this so...that might have been why. Anyway...I lean right more out of tradition...per se, and because i just can't stand the DNC and the way it is at the moment. (If it was...'balanced', then i would probably join...) My views...are technically liberal. I know one thing...I'm a srewed up guy. I'll make the adjustments to the problem...