Published on January 4, 2006 By ----- In Blogging
I've been considering joining the Freemasons and Knights Templar. My grandfather (mother's side) was a freemason and i have been told that his father was both a mason and a templar. I've long admired both groups, they are very charitable organizations. (Despite those who use them for ill will, whether directly or indirectly.) They are also both very religious organizations and i find myself to not really be religous at all. Should I?


on Jan 04, 2006

Did they change their name to the "No Homers" club?
on Jan 04, 2006
Did they change their name to the "No Homers" club?


*Sigh* Leave it to Matt Groening...

(Who happens to be a U of O alumni! )
on Jan 04, 2006

My first question is why are you considering to join? Is it for charity? The reason I ask these questions is your ending statement regarding not being religious at all. If you are looking for doing charitable work ask yourself what kind of work you would like to be involved in. I am willing to bet that there are many organizations who would love your involvement who are not neccessarily religious based. Are you wanting to build houses, feed the homeless, work with the elderly, do fundraising for charity, etc. Volunteering to do such is very noble in my book. My advice is to not walk into something blindly. Find something that has the same values as you do both ethical and spiritual. I would also suggest to really think deep and hard about why you want to volunteer for charity. Many just think it is a good thing to do but if your heart isn't truly there to help than like many volunteers they flake out. As I said before evaluate you first than find the organization that fits you as you are. This isn't an issue of who's right and who's wrong but I would like you to succeed in the organization you choose. With no regrets. Especially look at the cons! Look at the commitment level too. If you have a probable org ask them if you can observe their operation to get a better understanding of their motives and values. These are all of the thoughts I have for now. Hope that helps.

Adventure Dude