Also, for the few people who DO listen to the news - who do they hear it from? Fox News and Bill O'Reilly are the most popular. Most newspapers and media outlets are owned by Republicans. --Comment made by a DU member ... --is this person ignorant or what.. -doc b (your JU insider to DU members ignorance and just plain stupid comments....)
Also, for the few people who DO listen to the news - who do they hear it from? Fox News and Bill O'Reilly are the most popular. Most newspapers and media outlets are owned by Republicans. --Comment made by a DU member ... --is this person ignorant or what.. -doc b (your JU insider to DU members ignorance and just plain stupid comments....)
After some thought...and carefull consideration, i've decided to switch to the Democrat party and be a liberal...i compared my ideaologies to both platforms..(after spending time on JU, those things change) and i found that i am further to the left than i thought...but don't worry...i'm a moderate fanaticism from me...
Found this on the "good 'ol" DU..... Does this mean that the republican party will adopt a new logo, like a muscle man kicking a Democrats "Ass" ?
From 10) "A war of real information and real issues alone is doomed to fail. The Texas Fascist Party carries elections by drawing the hordes of stupid white men who are itching to 'get even' for decades of imagined slights. Arguing issues with these people is pointless. These people are not interested in issues, social justice, or even the fact that the US government will go bankrupt in a decade. All they want is to get back at welfare mothers, blacks, Arabs, immigra...