-----'s Articles In Religion
April 24, 2006 by -----
I've been asked the question, "Are you religious?" I look at them and tell them no. I am not religious; I have faith. I do not believe in the concept of an organized establishment of religion, i.e. church. A church, is ran by humans, and, as the catholic church has shown, it is carnal, and hardly infallible. (Not to say we all are) I personally, would rather decide what I think is right and wrong with out the influence of a church, so, I say that I have faith. Also, My dogma isn’t set in sto...
January 17, 2006 by -----
Yeah...well. I guess its good for him. A bit blunt in the titlingof the site. But, none the less. There is a site by Tom Crouse (Host of "Engaging your world" radio show) which he: "celebrating Gods design of Heterosexuality, and also has the nerve to have at the event someone who will give testimony to the fact that Jesus Christ freed them from all their sins." Now, thats his right. But...sheesh...
November 9, 2005 by -----
Thats my question for you religious folk here at JU. Whether you're Jewish, Christian, or worship a pink spotted gorilla.. The question is the same. Me? I don't have a faith really... In terms of a "religious faith"... I have "faith" in doing my best...that no matter what.. I will perservere..etc... Best Regards, Lucas
November 2, 2005 by -----
Hmm, ok... I have a wild idea. A theory, that, every religion leads to god... or, a all-powerful being. Being it what ever you wish to call it. Multiple religions are very similarly structured, they have similar gods, customs, etc... Could this be a coincidence? Pehaps, but, lets say that they are one. One..."faith", that with the introduction into various cultures,etc... This one faith, changed, adapted, and grew into multiple faiths, whether because of need, wants , or social influences... ...
October 21, 2005 by -----
The Catholic church, many see it as a 'foundation', others see it as a barricade. I see it as a global corporation. Its own interests in mind, and fully capable of corruption. In the world as we know it, the catholic church is a big influence in the affairs of certain nations. Is it unreasonable to say that it is a..."boundry" setter? Or a "dictatorial" power? Other than it doesn't want to desroy the world,etc... What makes it any different from other "dictatorships"? (or oligarchies) Is it ...
October 21, 2005 by -----
Ok, so i am told that the bible says not to support "witchcraft", i.e. prophets, magic, etc... But, my question is, what about Jesus, the disciples, didn't *they* forsee things happening in the future. ("prophecising") Example: the Book of revelations, with john (?) seeing the "end times".....? Is that not "black arts? Or is it, immune, because the person is affiliated with "god"... What about Nostradamus, or Edgar Cayce? Just some thing that crossed my mind...."
September 14, 2005 by -----
With the ruling recently that the words "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance, are unconstitutional, it makes you think whether the founding fathers are spinning in their graves. The first amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. -Well you kn...
August 14, 2005 by -----
Does Religion have a place, a true purpose in life? Or is it just used as a mere 'sheild'/'anchor', to make those who are helpless, helpless, etc.. have some thing to either blame, or hold fast to? Is it needed? If it is needed, do we have to have churches around to..."define" our religion. Or can we/should we be able to find our true "religon". (or faith) --I am posting this bit because my mum and i had a discussion which last about and hour and a half about religion, and what role...
August 10, 2005 by -----
CAIRO, Egypt (Reuters) -- Renovators working in an ancient Egyptian monastery have unearthed the oldest example of a building housing Christian monks, a member of the restoration project near the country's Red Sea coast told Reuters on Monday. The cell, a building that served as the living quarters for monks, dates from between the fourth and fifth centuries and will help shed light on the early days of monastic life, said Father Maximous, a monk working at the site. "It is the oldest...
July 23, 2005 by -----
“For centuries”, the camerlengo said, “the church has stood by while science picked away at religion bit by bit. Debunking miracles. Training the mind to overcome the heart. Condemning religion as the opiate of the masses. They denounce God as a hallucination-- a delusional crutch too those too weak to accept that life is meaningless. I could not stand by while science presumed to harness the power of god himself! Proof, you say? Yes, proof of science’s ignorance! What is wrong with the admi...
June 24, 2005 by -----
Well, I've finished reading the bible and making notes...but some things interest me, why are there missing parts, where it talks about jesus, then just stops...(like when it goes from him being about 12, to about 21ish... where did all that time go) There are other parts missing, i have heard that early in the 11th century (give or take) the catholic church acquiered manuscripts that contained the writings of the bible, which they then used to alter (e.g. taking out parts, adding others in) ...
June 8, 2005 by -----
I'm not christian,but i betcha this will piss a few christian people off.... JERUSALEM - An Israeli researcher has challenged the popular belief that Jesus died of blood loss on the cross, saying he probably succumbed to a sometimes fatal disorder now associated with long-haul air travel. Professor Benjamin Brenner wrote in The Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis that Jesus’ death, traditionally believed to have occurred 3 to 6 hours after crucifixion began, was probably caused by a...
May 20, 2005 by -----
--1st Thought-- I have never been a "religous" person, though i follow the Buddhist Doctrine, I feel that i might be more 'spiritual' than buddhist, but for right know i will just remain as i am. Some people, my cadet teaching advisor as an example, was shocked when she found out that i was a 'buddhist', and not a...'loyal' christian..., she began to vehemently tell me why it was the correct thing to do,to convert to christianity, at first i was a bit caught off guard, and a little angr...