-----'s Articles » Page 30
May 23, 2005 by -----
Just doing some reviewing on my life and was wondering what everyone else on this site (even though i've been on here for not very long)thought of me,etc...please give details....
May 21, 2005 by -----
Guns;Uzi's,rifles,m-16's....."Oh My!" is the reply of most anti gun or those ignorant of guns....i myself grew up "with" them (then yet i'm a pacifist) i've shot rifles,handguns, m-16's,etc...and they haven't jumped away and started shooting every where...I think the major problem are the dense people out there that think "guns kill people", and that they should be banned. "no,no,no my clueless friend, in order to have a gun go off (normally) you have to stick your finger, or something else ...
May 20, 2005 by -----
--1st Thought-- I have never been a "religous" person, though i follow the Buddhist Doctrine, I feel that i might be more 'spiritual' than buddhist, but for right know i will just remain as i am. Some people, my cadet teaching advisor as an example, was shocked when she found out that i was a 'buddhist', and not a...'loyal' christian..., she began to vehemently tell me why it was the correct thing to do,to convert to christianity, at first i was a bit caught off guard, and a little angr...
May 18, 2005 by -----
I was looking around and saw some links to blogs/articles about the debate over whether to build the 'freedom tower', or re-build the Twin Towers,only higher....here are the links, let me know what you think... • March 11, 2005 | 9:40 p.m. ET Freedom Tower politics (David Shuster) The blogs we've been posting on the Freedom Tower continue to generate a huge number of e-mails. Every day, I've been receiving articles and stories detailing a host of new engineering problems ass...
May 12, 2005 by -----
Some of you may have heard of the cold war policy/theory; MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) Which means assumes that each side has enough weaponry to destroy the other side and that either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force. The expected result is an immediate escalation resulting in both combatants' total and assured destruction. It is now generally assumed that the nuclear fallout or nuclear winter would bring about worldwide devastat...
April 29, 2005 by -----
Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard: "Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to see...
April 26, 2005 by -----
Believe it or not. Here's the link. Link
April 17, 2005 by -----
Here are some links to some funny joke sites: Link Link Link ---And here is an interestion article about jokes: Link
April 17, 2005 by -----
Here is the link, what do you think...? Link ---I think he has a point...
April 14, 2005 by -----
My list of accomplishments for my first six years as the President. I will only be recording those good things that I have done. After all, the police and investigation teams already have a nice file on me down at their offices for the "other" things I have done. My list of accomplishments for my first six years as the President of the United States: ...
April 12, 2005 by -----
Here's the link: Link --Again, there are some graphic pictures in here, so be cautious...
April 12, 2005 by -----
Here's the link: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/04/11/capitol.suitcases.ap/index.html Link Originally heard about it on my local news...
April 10, 2005 by -----
Here is the link for the article: Link Link
April 1, 2005 by -----
Here's the Link http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/03/26/taiwan.march/
March 31, 2005 by -----
I found an artical about some black boxes that are in certain cars... Link