Well, been thinking lately... At the moment there is a bit of a problem within my family going on. There's a wedge spliting the various 'factions'/ There is my aunt, uncle and cousins, Thats one group. There's me, my mom, my sister, brother, sis-in-law, and nieces. Thats another. It used to be it was just my aunts family, my mom's family. Now, recently, my brother never came to my sisters birthday in july (well, it wasn't that recent), never called, got her a present. Now my sister is bummed...
Stress makes people do/say things they don’t mean, and at times inhibits their thinking/reasoning process. That’s what was happening to me when I was trying to defend my self. (or as others put it; Whining, mewling, and feet stamping.) I was just so stressed at the time that I reacted, and never thought; then replied. Putting more thought into my replies and what was said in other replies. I wasn’t thinking clearly and said things that were not needed. The profanity just came out; as if It f...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
I don't mind LW and others doing it once to get an article on the forums... but what I do find aggrivating is people like Lucas Bailey who bump an article to get it on the forums, then when it generates zero responses he bumps it again a few days later....I've seen him do that a few times. It's as if they can't stand having no responses to an article, they can't handle being ignored so they have to bump and bump and bump. THAT drives me nuts. --Now, the reason i have bumped certain artic...
Insults, considered by some to be a last resort of a desperate blogger. One who has nothing to back his claim up, and needs something to 'stay alive'. Now, I have read interesting articles here at JU and have seen debates riddled with insults: Looney luddite left, redneck, A$$H#!(, F@#$ Y^&!, and many others... These sort of comments deviate the article/debate from its originial intent, and IMO are unneeded. If you can't back your claim up; then concede. Apparently there are those here who do...
As a Dungeons and Dragons Role Player for eight years, and knowing others who have been at it from 20+ years, i've come to enjoy funny and resourceful stories from other "gamers"..., all of those who role play D&D, come share your stories of various escapades... --lucas (a.k.a Elindel)
October 16, 2005 by
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
October 14, 2005 by
Its been cleaned out, put together, and re-designed. My room? No, my blog. This is my anti-serious, nonsense filled 200th "article". (Yeah, thats what its called) As i mentioned before, i've been here a year...Learned quite a bit. (Is it me, or am i repeating things...anyway...) I'm down to 225 lbs., after flucuationg a bit. I'm still 5'8"-ish... And well, i've seemed to have created myself a bit of an "anti" crowd.... those who are a bit annoyed by my....antics. To them, i apologize. I ...
October 14, 2005 by
NOTE: THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT The transition from high school to college is a scary experience. Such a transition is often eased by the help of admissions/registration counselors. Generally, there are three big differences that are discussed, these include the following; Classes, Teachers, and Scheduling. The first difference is the classes. What you will be taking, who you have, and when you have it. Lets face it, you’ve got to know at least those three to actually attend college...
October 12, 2005 by
It seems that some people are curbing the ACLU. Now, i am one that believes in a persons rights, but, you can only go so far until you're 100 yards past the line. And the ACLU is a prime example of that. Its been the perpetrator/supporter of many asinine law suits. Finally
October 12, 2005 by
Apparently there has been some serious discussion of destroying my former high school and either moving the students to the other local highschool, and establish it as *the* high school (in a town of 45,000+) in klamath falls. Or, a proposal of 42-55 million dollars to build a new school not too far from the current one. Just to accomadate 1250 students. The last enrollement numbers account for 1050 students, with space left. Now, the building itself has been around since 1928. And has do...
October 11, 2005 by
Oy, you'd think two heads are better than one, right? Or 3...or 4, or.... (Yeah ) But apparently...thats not so at our local hospitol. On monday of last week, we asked for the extension office at the hospitol, (A seperate, 'family practice', that is under the supervision of the hospitol) to ok the referral (my doc would do it) for me to head up to OHSU. But....as of yesterday...nothing... They have yet to even take a look at the paper work... And we are supposed to leave within the end of ...
October 11, 2005 by
What is it about first lady Laura Bush that makes her so amiable to most Americans? Is it her genuine concern for the welfare of everyone? Is it that she is so adamant on education, children, and the necessity that each child achieves their goals in life? That they get an education and become better people? Is it her passionate platform for overall betterment of America, and the world? Yes, I respect Mrs. Bush greatly. She is the best first lady ever, in my opinion. She has done mo...
October 10, 2005 by
I don't know what it was last night (the weather, water???) but i started to have an anxiety attack and couldn't stop for nearly five minutes, *shakes head*, then (again) i broke down and cried. I just sat there on my bed, crying...hysterically... I'm sitting here typing about this and i just laugh, not a humor laugh, but a "go figure" type of laugh. Afterwards i felt, foolish. But something is going on. Also, i couldn't stop thinking about her last night. (If you've read some of my previous...