-----'s Articles In Life Journals
March 17, 2006 by -----
I, am a human. I, have problems. I, am a compulsive spender. I, have done things that I’m not proud of. I, have said unkind things to others. I, have let my inabilities rule me. I, have not tried hard enough. I will change. I, will be better. ~Lucas Bailey 3/17/06
January 18, 2006 by -----
Why is it that people can't accept that there are people that are hopeless? Myself for example. I am a class a Fuck up. I do try, but am perfectly capable of screwing up, repeatedly. Why is it that people can be such asses? Why are there those who are, shall i say, rigid and willfully ignorant? Perhaps it is human nature. Perhaps it is...brain capacity? *shrugs* I don't know. But I am just like anyone else. Capable of failing. I don't ask, plead or whine for forgiveness. Just understanding t...
October 14, 2005 by -----
Right, well, dealing with my local hospitol is like dealing with an absent minded individual...irritating, although you can understand why. (The hospitol is incompetant, and corrupt, has been for years) Found out, oh f-ing wonderful, my doctor forgot to send the referral and write her letter. (technicalites,etc...) so...we have to wait until next week to find out whether we will be going sometime this year (ARGGH!!!) . It gets old. Anyway... I got in contact with a few high school friends,...
October 13, 2005 by -----
Here are some pictures from my graduation. I'm the one third from the right, the first red clothed one. [imghttp://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a185/lucasbailey/CNXT0047.jpg">http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a185/lucasbailey/CNXT0032.jpg"> I'm the one third from the right, the first red clothed one.
October 4, 2005 by -----
Definition: Link According to the definition, i would be a "bastard child". Born out of wed-lock. And raised by a sister and single mother. I never had an ideal father. The closest was my second stepfather who was a loud, alcoholic, pornaholic, drug user...(not medicinal) My mother truly loved him, at first glance he was her "knight in shining armour", galant and charming...Then, he shed his shroud and revealed the true him... My mother still loved him, she knew their was the real him...
August 19, 2005 by -----
Well, I don't know if everyone knows, but i have a horrible temper/anger problem. I don't mean i am constantly stomping about yelling and cursing..., but having stuffed everything inside for so long, i've been "breaking", and have been 'out bursting' (yelling, getting riled up...) frequently...So, I have been talking... Well...after an out burst at my mum on monday, she called my two doctors (Desroahcer, and Swan) Desroacher is my medical doctor, Swan is my "psych" doctor (he was the shr...
August 15, 2005 by -----
While, with out any doubts i love my mum, she's been with me through thick and thin, and has stood by me when things where the worst... I just want to (to quote a song: (lenny kravitz "fly away") "I gotta go....gotta get away, gotta go...gotta fly away..." I am ready to get going with college, to go ahead and get to Eugene and attend University of Oregon, to get out of klamath falls (though its my hometown)....it (my wanting to get out of klamath falls,etc...) could also be like the song tha...
August 13, 2005 by -----
Have you ever lost something and are really, really , really sure you put it or saw someone put it some place, only to go there to that place, and find that it wasn't/isn't there? I did that recently; I remember bringing home (or at least thought i did) my Dungeons and Dragons stuff and handing it to my mum; as i needed to grab my O2 Concentrator out of the back of the van. I grabbed the O2 Concentrator and took it too my room, plugged it in, turn it on, and swithced cannulas. Then, i wen...
August 13, 2005 by -----
Well, after taking a few days off, cleaning out my list of "articles"; I've been thinking....so far i'v been(since joining), befriended, criticized, bashed, kicked, assumed, and many other things.......but, ya know what.....I'm glad, Its made me re-think a lot of things, my life, where i intend to go after CC, my attitude, how i interact with others.....quite a bit. I've been going to the doc's (psych. and medical) and breakthroughs have been made; while i can't say all of my problems (or ...
August 6, 2005 by -----
Journal-8/3/2005 11:24pm Have you ever had a neighbor that was so annoying and so stupid, that you have just wanted to go over and deck him. One of our current neighbors, a white male between the ages of 24-29.(not sure of the exact age) His vocabulary is, from what I have heard him shouting at 10pm, 11pm, 12am and 1 am ….was; “#$% this, @#$% you, you #$%&…..” So on and so forth…He has yet, in the times I have heard him, had a sentence that didn’t include profanity….. Currently he is o...